Rochester, NY—Linton Crystal Technologies (LCT) has enhanced its pre- and post-sale service offerings in support of its Czochralski (CZ) process crystal growers. Full-time process engineers and experienced technical staff will work with customers to get their businesses off the ground, as well as to optimize processes, recipes and approaches to increase ingot size, accelerate crystal growth speed, and lower operating costs. Staff are available to provide technical support remotely or can develop customized solutions working on-site with customers.
“We recognize that our customers are looking to grow as quickly as their industries are and we’re committed to helping them achieve their goals by offering after-sales service that other manufacturers can’t,” says John Syring, LCT Sr. Sales & Process Engineer. “Our experts’ combined 70 years of practical and theoretical knowledge are at customers’ disposal to help them innovate and succeed in today’s rapidly changing semiconductor and solar marketplaces.”
Linton Crystal Technologies is the world leader in the design, development and manufacture of equipment for producing monocrystalline ingots for the semiconductor and solar industries. The company specializes in silicon and produces equipment for materials such as germanium and gallium arsenide.
LCT experts work with customers at the time of sale, configuring a custom combination of furnace diameters, receiving chamber heights, and throat diameters, among other features, that will help meet their specific requirements. They then help tailor processes and recipes to achieve some of the industry’s maximum productivity, highest efficiency and lowest power consumption.
“We have a depth of process knowledge that’s unique in the industry,” explains Jim Flanagan, process and service engineer for Linton Crystal. “Because we’ve grown crystals and analyzed their properties for decades, customers can tell us what they like in a crystal and we can tell them how to adjust their programming to achieve those results. As important, we also can provide valuable advice as to how to work with crystal defects.”
“I’ve been on the floor running these machines for more than 30 years,” adds John R. Syring, senior sales and process engineer for LCT, “Companies often get locked into one way of doing things over time. Our experience is diverse –we’ve been exposed to many developments in the industry over time—so we can offer fresh insight to advance customers’ objectives.”
By combining this deep industry knowledge and field experience, Linton Crystal Technologies’ expert technical support and engineering staff expects to help customers meet performance targets. For more information about sales, service and process support, visit